FY20 – key metrics
Commenting on the FY20 result, Data#3 Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director Laurence Baynham said: “We are delighted with the performance of the consolidated Data#3 business, which delivered another record result in what has been an extraordinary year. The result demonstrates the inherent strength and relevance of our solution offerings in an evolving market, and the growth in public cloud was a particular highlight.”
Revenue and earnings growth in FY20
Total revenue increased by 14.9% to $1,625.9 million. This included strong growth in public cloud revenues, which increased by 60.4% to $581.0 million.
The consolidated NPBT increased by 28.2% to $34.1 million, and NPAT (excluding minority interests) increased by 30.5% to $23.6 million. Basic earnings per share also increased by 30.5% to 15.35 cents.
The directors declared a final dividend of 8.80 cents per share, bringing the total fully franked dividend for FY20 to 13.90 cents per share. This represents an increase of 29.9% and a payout ratio of 90.6%.
The final dividend will be paid on 30 September 2020, with a record date of 16 September 2020.
Data#3’s Chairman Richard Anderson said: “Data#3’s performance both in increased profit and solid underlying cash flow has delivered a significant increase in dividend. Combined with a very strong share price performance, this provides shareholders with an outstanding return for the year.”
Delivering key operational milestones
Commenting on the company’s FY20 performance, Mr Baynham said: “The non-financial measures indicate the underlying health of the business has continued to strengthen. Our staff and customer satisfaction surveys produced record high results; we succeeded in winning a cross-industry Employer of Choice award for the fifth year in a row; and we were recognised by many of our global partners with national and international awards. In addition, we made headway with a number of our strategic business improvement initiatives.”
Long term objectives on track
Mr Baynham confirmed: “We remain confident in the company’s longer-term strategy. We have a robust business, no material debt, solid long-term customer relationships, committed supplier partnerships, and a highly experienced and productive team.”
Mr Baynham added: “Our expectation is that technology will play a major role in Australia’s economic recovery from the pandemic, and we remain well positioned to capitalise on those opportunities. The timing of the recovery is less certain, and consequently we are unable to provide meaningful commentary on our FY21 outlook at this stage. Our long-term financial goal remains to deliver sustainable earnings growth.”
This announcement is authorised for release by the Data#3 board.
For additional information contact:
Laurence Baynham
Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director
Tel: 1300 23 28 23
Mob: 0413 155 150
Email: laurence_baynham@data3.com.au
Brem Hill
Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary
Tel: 1300 23 28 23
Mob: 0411 887 182
Email: brem_hill@data3.com.au