What sets resilient organisations apart? Why are some organisations better suited to handle disruption? Ultimately, the organisations that can harness the true power of their data will be the ones to adapt and thrive.
To harness the true power of data, first we need to break down data silos. Achieving this has been a constant challenge in the history of data and analytics, due to the data ecosystem being continually complex and heterogeneous. Ultimately, this complex ecosystem is the reality- this reality isn’t going anywhere. Therefore, organisations must take measures to break down all silos to harness the full power of data and analytics in a unified, secure, and compliant manner.
Today, Microsoft provided two important announcements that will help organisations to overcome data challenges, and shape their future with Azure data and analytics:
General Availability of Azure Synapse Analytics: Microsoft has announced the general availability of Azure Synapse Analytics – a limitless analytics service with unmatched time to insights that unifies data integration, enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics all into a single service. Azure Synapse Analytics combines capabilities spanning data engineering, machine learning, and business intelligence, without creating silos in processes and tools.
Quite simply, Azure Synapse Analytics provides the ability to securely unify your organisational data in one single location.
Preview of Azure Purview: It’s critical to enable these unified data capabilities through a comprehensive data governance solution. An organisation that doesn’t know where its data is, does not know what its future will be. With data the roadmap to the future, knowing its location, condition and quality is of paramount importance. To make all of this possible, Microsoft has today revealed Azure Purview – a unified data governance service that helps organisations achieve a complete understanding of their data. Azure Purview helps discover all data across the organisation, track lineage of data and create a business glossary regardless of where it’s stored: on-premises, across clouds, in SaaS applications, or in Power BI.
Quite simply, providing traceability of data from operational systems into your central data repositories provides transparency and trust for your users – and supports enhanced adoption of self-service analytics.
More details on these announcements from Microsoft are available here on Julia White’s blog (Microsoft Corporate Vice President). We see this as an important piece of the data puzzle, to build resiliency and help organisations continue their transformation journeys.
At Data#3, we appreciate it often isn’t possible to keep up with the rate of change. Combining all the moving parts can be difficult. To answer the needs of our clients who don’t have time, need to understand the cost or simply know how to get started, we created the Data Innovation Studio. We leverage our framework – the Data Journey Map – as well as design thinking techniques to assist in developing an adoption roadmap that can be used for planning the next steps for your future with Azure data and analytics. By understanding how these moving parts can be bought together, you can successfully adopt new solutions such as Azure Synapse Analytics and Azure Purview, and provide material impact for your organisation.
To learn what Azure Purview means for your organisation or more about the Data Innovation Studio, please contact your Data#3 Account Team member or contact us here.