There have been few developments in technology that have inspired the same level of debate as cloud. In the early days, there were the innovators and early adopters, and the doomsayers, and the reality fell somewhere between the two.
As cloud has matured, and its potential has been realised, we have moved far beyond many of the early fears that surrounded it. Still, there are certainly some challenges that must be addressed in order to sidestep some pitfalls. Zerto, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, is emerging as a major contender in helping to do exactly that.
There is no shortage of reasons for organisations to work across multiple cloud platforms. Whether you’re opting for freedom from being tied to a single provider, or it makes sense to use different providers for IaaS and SaaS, the multi-cloud environment is increasingly commonplace.
Equally, there are some distinct advantages to the ability to move workloads to, from, or between multiple clouds, something that has typically been difficult and often too expensive to execute effectively. Zerto enables near effortless movement of workloads. You can simultaneously replicate VMs locally, to a remote data centre, as well as Azure, IBM Cloud, AWS, or to the more than 350 cloud service providers in Zerto’s Alliance Partner Network. You also have the ability to test before failover, making migration much less stressful.
This ability to simultaneously replicate enables the sort of availability that IT departments used to dream about, which, now that the 9-5 work environment is a thing of the past, saves a lot of fraught helpdesk calls. Meanwhile, the in-built analytics in Zerto make it possible to spot trends, identify potential issues, and troubleshoot in your network, before an anomaly becomes a problem.
While ransomware is nothing new, the increasing ease of launching attacks, thanks to ransomware as a service (RaaS) means that it is still big news. From the British Royal Mail to a group of hotels and casinos in Las Vegas, the organisations hit by ransomware are endlessly diverse.
Detecting malicious encryption events has presented challenges amidst the complexity of multi-cloud and hybrid worlds. One of Zerto’s largest strengths lie in its ability to not only detect events but to quickly recover in a matter of minutes to a point in time just seconds before the attack. Anyone who has been through the stressful experience of falling victim to ransomware will understand just how much of a difference this makes: Users able to continue their work with minimal data loss for the organisation.
When we think of disasters, usually the more dramatic causes come to mind. In a country that faces everything from cyclones and floods to bushfires, we certainly get our share of drama, but more mundane events like power cuts and human error can be equally catastrophic for businesses dependent on technology to function.
Whatever the cause, the pressure is on for the IT team to recover systems and data fast, so people can continue to perform their work with the least interruption possible. Zerto tackles this by using its patented continuous data protection (CDP) engine to enable RPOs of mere seconds and RTOs of minutes, so that downtime and data loss is far lower than average.
Using its unique journal, Zerto can recover down to a granular level, across multi-cloud and on-premises environments, even for notoriously tricky multi-VM apps. It can’t prevent you getting hit by a category 5, or stop someone from accidentally deleting the wrong data (though we can help you with risk prevention strategies). It can, however, help you to get back up and operational in next to no time, even within a complex environment.
While that’s only a quick roundup of Zerto’s strengths, there’s plenty more to love about this impressive addition to the multi-cloud environment. Want to learn more about reducing risk and easing multi-cloud mobility? Chat with one of our Zerto experts today.
Combining the experience of a dedicated strategic consulting team, as well as hands-on cyber security specialists, Data#3 has one of the most mature and highly accredited security teams in Australia. Leveraging a breadth of security solutions and a strong vendor portfolio Data#3 can help you design, implement and maintain superior security measures, tailored to protect your business.
Interested in running Zerto in your own environment? Use the contact form below to arrange your free trial today.
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